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Authored Legislation


Authored Legislation Enacted during the 35th Legislature


Bill 35-0064

An Act amending title 3 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 27, section 715, subsection (c) relating to the power of the Government Employees Retirement System Board of Trustees to appoint the Administrator of the Government Employees Retirement System to eliminate the requirement for the Legislature’s advice and consent to the appointment of the Administrator 


Bill 35-0103

An Act honoring the memory of the enslaved Africans from Akwamu who participated in the 1733 Insurrection on the island of Sankt Jan in the Danish West Indies, directing the Executive Branch to implement and host a Heritage Celebration, and amending title 1 Virgin Islands Code, section 106 to add a gold circular shield to the Governor’s Symbol of Office embossed with the flag of the State of Akwamu in the Republic of Ghana 


Bill 35-0196

An Act to amend title 3, Virgin Islands Code, sections 717(c) and 766(c) to establish a deadline for the GERS to resume the personal loan program, remove the $10,000,000 annual aggregate amount and the 8% interest rate cap, limit the system’s liability to $75,000, and set a parameter in section 717 that all loans must be structured such that the payoff date occurs before the retiree reaches age 70 


Bill 35-0198

An Act amending title 29 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 8, by adding subchapter III to institute a ban prohibiting any food service establishment and food service provider from selling or distributing in the Virgin Islands a disposable food container that is composed in whole or in part of polystyrene foam and prohibiting any manufacturer or store from providing polystyrene loose fill packaging 


Bill 35-0206

An act amending title 3 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 25, by adding subchapter IXa to enact The Virgin Islands Heroes Act to make benefits payable to the spouses and dependent children of law enforcement officers, peace officers, public safety officers, and public safety employees that are killed or catastrophically injured in the line of duty


Bill 35-0208

A Resolution honoring and commending Mrs. Bernice Alma Turnbull for her lifetime of service and dedication to the people of the Virgin Islands â€‹


Authored Legislation Enacted during the 34th Legislature


Act 8560    

An Act amending Virgin Islands Code title 3, chapter 27, section 706 and chapter 28A, section 755 relating to the service retirement annuity to allow retirees to reenter government service and retain their annuity while paying a contribution to the Retirement System; amending title 3, chapter 25, subchapter III relating to the government personnel position classification system position to cover positions of annuitants who reenter government service.


Act 8546 

An Act amending title 34 Virgin Islands Code by adding a chapter 4 to be known as The Responsible Fatherhood Act of 2022.


Act 8549 

An Act amending title 3 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 25, subchapter V, section 570, relating to the career incentive program for peace officers, to extend the program to peace officers in the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs, the Department of Planning and Natural Resources; the Department of Health, Environmental Health Division and the Virgin Islands Legislature and to exclude exempt employees from the program.


Bill 34-0068

To provide funding to continue Capital Improvement Projects at the Red Hook ferry terminal to include the construction of a facility to house US Customs and Border Protection, allowing the proper handling of international arrivals.


Bill 34-0086

To provide behavioral health education to students as well as faculty and staff assigned to Virgin Islands public schools.


Res 1895  

A Resolution honoring and commending the Reverend Dr. George E. Phillips for his invaluable contribution to the gospel, ministry, and people of the Virgin Islands

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